Mosrite Ventures model made in Carson City

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Mosrite Ventures model made in Carson City

Postby mrmomo » Fri May 23, 2014 7:35 pm

Greetings Friends of Mosrite,

Sadly (for me), I am offering for sale (good for you) my Mosrite Ventures model. It was built in Carson City, Nevada, circa around 1980? There were only about 200 made for export only to Japan. I acquired this from dorkrockrecords, our Japan connection of rare and unique guitars, so it's the real deal. Probably one of the few, if not the only one remaining in the US. Serial number 0066.

Unexpected expenses have brought about the need to thin my guitar herd.

It's a one of a kind built by Semie himself. It's in great condition. I only changed the electronics...two pots, pickup selector switch and jack and wiring for those items. I kept the original items that were replaced and they will be included. The pickups are original and I did not tamper with them. I also have an extra heavy duty vibrato spring if you want to switch to heavier gauge strings.

Oh yes, I mentioned one of a kind. If you remove the vibrato assembly, underneath is the "Easter Egg" or perhaps the "Semie Egg". Stamped on the back of the assembly is Made in USA by Semie Moseley AND...drum roll please...his initials "SM" are etched in the metal piece as well.

I have many is the link --> The password is "ventures".

It's hard to put a price on it as Semie may have used original parts from the 60's. In any case, it is a good investment and will probably be worth a lot more down the road.
I'm asking $3300. PM me for details if you are interested.

Thanks for looking!
John Drysdale | Surf Guitarist - Mentor - Instructor | John Drysdale Music
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Bob Shade
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Re: Mosrite Ventures model made in Carson City

Postby Bob Shade » Sat May 24, 2014 7:29 am

Hey John, I have been listening to the comp. cd you sent to me. Your track really outshines them all. I would love to hear a full cd of your one day.

All the best with your sale, that is a nice guitar.


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Re: Mosrite Ventures model made in Carson City

Postby mrmomo » Sun May 25, 2014 8:45 pm

Thank you for your kind words, Bob!
I have my work cut out for me on the new album. Lots of ideas. Stay tuned!
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Re: Mosrite Ventures model made in Carson City

Postby Hydra19 » Fri May 30, 2014 9:08 am

Great looking guitar, I think there are pics of this guitar on the Mosrite Facebook page photo, I liked it so much I put it as my background when I got my 1st Mosrite in December.
This looks like a great guitar, but I'm afraid it'll be gone before I can come up with the dough. Anyway I'm sure it's great guitar that will appreciate in value!

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