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Re: Getting a mosrite 5 yrs after ordering

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:07 pm
by leftyjay
thanks Bob. got your message. i cant wait to listen to it. i may come up with some other ideas after hearing the songs.

Re: Getting a mosrite 5 yrs after ordering

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:18 pm
by leftyjay
needless to say, the G&G cases for these guitars are nice. but they are very expensive too. I decided instead of messing up the original cases, i would buy a sturdy, cheap case to haul the guitars to the nightly gigs.

a few years ago, i bought a black $59 case from rondo music that fit the mosrite quite well. it was a few inches longer, and the body room was about 1 1/2 inches longer than the mosrite. but the case was deep enough for the trem arm and was sturdy enough to carry without worry of damaging the guitar.

i just moved the strap compartment closer to the horns to secure the body from moving.

last week, i bought a tweed version of the same case for $65. it actually fits better. might still move the strap compartment a tad to secure the body, but there is plenty of headroom so the guitar wont drift in the case and hit the headstock.
PLUS, the guitar case is squared off and stands up nice when you sit the case down. the G&G cases are very wobbly and tend to fall over easily.

here are the links to the cases.

