Apparently this is a Mosrite Jr-97AMP

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Apparently this is a Mosrite Jr-97AMP

Postby Ed_Shed » Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:12 pm


I knew it was gimmicky but I like gimmicky! I pull down my little cherry red MINI Mos all the time. So I thought this might be a fun addition. Just arrived from Japan and it's a little disappointing so far, but there may be potential.


I'm bummed that there's apparently a missing knob, and I'm not sure what it's used for. I suspect it might be a volume for the speaker, which is something I'd like to have because the speaker doesn't sound that hot. On the 'high' switch, you get a clean but slightly dirty growl that sounds like it's coming over one of those old Radio Shack pocket jobs. And that has some charm. The 'low' switch gets you an even more staticy-radio sound but it's so low you can barely hear it.

One somewhat bittersweet pleasant sidebar to this is I discovered that when plugged into the amp, you can still play out of the guitar's speaker, and that actually works well because now you've got some beef backing you up and it compensates for the speaker's tinny sound. Maybe that's the point and I just invented ice or something. But that may be how I use it.

Question: If I brought this to a guitar tech, is it realistic and reasonable to ask for a replacement knob be applied and the inner workings checked? I know I'm not getting a genuine Mos knob easily but I figure anything will do for now, I just want to know what the control is and if I can get it.

Plugged in, it has a nice crunchy bite to it. I haven't yet done the forthcoming audio shootout between it and its Ventures twin but that will be interesting. One blower is that the high E string is so low as to be basically dead all up and down it and playing a note sounds like a mosquito zapper. But the lower 5 strings all feel ok though they're all really low too. That will be adjusted.

'7773' is stamped into the neck in the usual location.


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Re: Apparently this is a Mosrite Jr-97AMP

Postby Ed_Shed » Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:16 pm

Upon further review on the internet, apparently I'm a moron and that is not a missing knob -- unless every model of this guitar is also missing it. So I suppose it's a jack or plug of some kind and I'll be very interested to hear if anyone knows what it is. Thanks!

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Re: Apparently this is a Mosrite Jr-97AMP

Postby ElTwang » Fri Feb 16, 2024 7:04 am

Congrats on a fun smaller guitar. Seems like it's made by Kurokumo Japan hence the 'Excellent' on the vibrato.

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Re: Apparently this is a Mosrite Jr-97AMP

Postby Ed_Shed » Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:37 am

Thanks EIT

Does anyone know of any sources of info on these things? I'm coming up dry. I'm especially interested in knowing what this jack is for. Anybody know? Might be a silly simple answer but I'm not very clever. Any information or sources on these guitars would be much appreciated.


I have to say I'm warming up to it. It's a cool electric guitar on its own and the speaker element is fun too, although it's a fairly weak sound out of the speaker. That said, as noted above, when playing plugged into a proper amp and also playing through the speaker, you get a nice double-up sound that's appealing, though ultimately a novelty.

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Re: Apparently this is a Mosrite Jr-97AMP

Postby 101Volts » Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:01 pm

I've seen these for sale online occasionally, but I've never really heard much about them before.

So far, I'm not sure what that odd input or output might be. Could you post a better lit photo of it? Maybe shine a flashlight on it with a close-up photo.

I'm guessing it's a headphone jack, but it might not be.

- Austin
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