Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

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Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

Postby vibramute » Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:08 am

I mentioned the idea of a production line Hallmark double neck to Bob for us working stiffs who can't afford a custom shop Hallmark or a TNM. His response was that he isn't sure what the interest level is in such an instrument would be.

Completely logical response since the bottom line is he needs to build a product that he can sell. I'm hoping that if enough of us chimed in with interest we could get his wheels spinning.

The early 60's Maphis models with the mando neck seem to fetch alot of attention. A homage like that would be cool, or even something 50's inspired, kind of like how the Deke model looks. I'd personally opt for a 6/12 string neck version, but I do play a bit of mando and having an electric could be fun...

What do we think?

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Re: Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

Postby jfine » Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:33 am

The mando neck was usually a short-scale guitar neck, tuned an octave higher, like a guitar capo'd at the 12th fret. That being said, I'd love to see a 6- and 12-string doubleneck, if the weight could be kept to a reasonable level.

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Re: Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

Postby SanchoPansen » Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:08 am

6 / 12 string for me as well, but also Bass / Guitar would be very interesting.

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Re: Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

Postby BRRanger » Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:04 am

I'm going for a 6/12 to match my 6/12 Mosrite...more 50's style also!

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Re: Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

Postby eltuce » Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:11 pm

I'm sure Master Oigun would be happy to make whatever you want. Quality work and his prices are very fair. A few of us here can testify to that.

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Re: Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

Postby vibramute » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:28 am

eltuce wrote:I'm sure Master Oigun would be happy to make whatever you want. Quality work and his prices are very fair. A few of us here can testify to that.

I'm sure that's an excellent option, but I've been so impressed with my Hallmarks that I'm specifically interested in an 'off the rack' double neck designed by Bob Shade.

The main purpose of this thread isn't 'who can build a double neck cheap?' it's to gauge the interest level and perhaps give Bob something to consider in the future.

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Re: Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

Postby eltuce » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:45 am

I only threw it out there because there was mention of those who can't afford a Hallmark CS or TNM. I also figured it can't hurt to give some props to Oigun.

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Re: Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

Postby Bob Shade » Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:04 am

First, thank you very much for the thread! I really appreciate the interest!

This is slightly complicated subject as doubles do have some reasons why they have never been very popular. while we still plan to make some custom shop Swept-Wing doubles in the future, production of this would be a hard decision and here is why: (The only popular guy seen playing one for more than two songs a night in my memory is Joe Maphis) But here are my thoughts:

1. Doubles are generally cumbersome and most guys appreciate looking at them more than playing them.

2. If not designed just right, the guitar is head heavy and is not much fun to hold and play at the same time. Alot of Mosrite doubles were head heavy.

3. I think I can count the double inquiries I have had in the last several years on one hand, so that is never a good sign for a production run.

4. They tend to be more expensive as you may suppose.

Having said all that, the other issue with a production run is outlined in this thread by the members here. Doubles are a very personal choice and alot of guys have different thoughts as to what the "other" neck should be for them.

I did think of one way to get around that. If ( and I use that term very loosely ) we were to make a run and all of the necks were the same width at the heel, I could have a variety of necks available, and mount them as needed. This would be one way to please everyone.

What would be really optimal would be to come up with a way of mounting the bridge and tailpieces in different positions to accept a variety of necks for the end user. The only thing I see getting in the way of that is the appearance. You would have holes and grommets in different positions which may look funky but it would be very cool.

Anyway, These are my thoughts and yours continued are certainly appreciated!

Double regards,

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Re: Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

Postby Diggey » Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:13 am

Could you make or have made "plugs" for the holes? That could be interchangeable? I've seen those old Gibson 335's that add Bigsby's and other models and they use some type to plug the tailpiece holes.

Just a thought. I'm a huge Doubleneck fan. In fact if you recall Bob, I've inquired about a doubleneck sweptwing. Still interested frankly.

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Re: Double Neck (production) Hallmark?

Postby Bob Shade » Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:26 pm

A double neck Swept-Wing I can build as I have the patterns etc. It would be a custom shop model. What necks are you interested in??


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