Improving a CRATE BX-15 Practice Amp

Edward Lopez

Improving a CRATE BX-15 Practice Amp

Postby Edward Lopez » Sat May 29, 2010 5:19 pm


Improving a CRATE BX-15 Practice Amp from my "review" at Harmony Central.

Here is the reason why I'm reviewing this amp. The speaker is a dinky one. The cabinet is devoid of absorvent material. There is a vent hole in the front panel but no vent tube attached. This is a poor design that the amplifier does not deserve, even a 15+- watt one.

So the first thing I did was use the white stuffing that was used to line a sofabed. Safer than fiberglass and just as good at attenuating the internal wave from the speaker. Then I tried to find a hard cardboard tube wide enough to insert into the hole which could stay without glue but I would use glue anyway for stability. I didn't find one so I got a slightly wider one and cut its length to an inch short of touching the back. I glued it in place and to make sure it didn't sag while drying I put a support under it to keep the round edge against the wood.

Finally, and the best part, I wanted to replace the speaker with a better quality speaker with possibly a rubber surround and heavy magnet. I preferred a magnetically-shielded speaker so I kept my eye out in the local thrifts for cheap audio speakers. I didn't find any but I did find a SONY subwoofer model SS-S300 that I thought might do the trick. It did it perfectly! The thrift price sticker said $8 but the cashier rang it up and told me $6.50. What a deal!

The speaker has rubber surround, large double-magnet and the best part is that the speaker fit into the cabinet's opening and this was going to be the biggest factor and yet I was lucky to do it right the first time.

Then I tested it and the sound is awesome! You could say it's the PERFECT practice amp if you don't want room-rattling volume. The bass is totally impressive and even a professional bassist would be impressed with this little jewel that now reallyshines.

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Re: Improving a CRATE BX-15 Practice Amp

Postby Veenture » Mon May 31, 2010 2:43 am

I'm still looking for a suitable bass amp, not too expensive -just for home use and small gigs but find it difficult to choose between two Ampeg bass combo's.
I prefer the shape and cosmetics of the BA-115 to that of the B-100R Rocket but the excellent ratings in reviews of the Rocket makes the latter so very desirable too …and it is also more expensive :( I've put things on the back burner for now.

Good job Bob, I like success stories like yours ;)

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Re: Improving a CRATE BX-15 Practice Amp

Postby KRamone27 » Mon May 31, 2010 12:42 pm

I've heard that using dynamat works great for bass guitar cabinets as it dampens the cabinet vibrations. And it's a peel and stick material.

Edward Lopez

Re: Improving a CRATE BX-15 Practice Amp

Postby Edward Lopez » Mon May 31, 2010 9:53 pm

KRamone27 wrote:I've heard that using dynamat works great for bass guitar cabinets as it dampens the cabinet vibrations. And it's a peel and stick material.

Dynamat definitely fills the bill for certain acoustical needs. Fortunately, what I used was just as effective for the little cabinet since it's probably theoretical that the stuff I used would make an audible difference between its inclusion and an empty cabinet since the cabinet's construction is pretty "solid", more than really needed and even at full volume I doubt that you would hear it rattle. Creak, maybe! :-)

Also, improving on their ridiculous venting makes it easier for the sound to emerge reducing any chance of the cabinet being actuated.

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